OK...so the most popular post of 2011 was my Organized Work Bag that I use between home and my classroom. As I brought it to school this morning, I noticed how "full" it was and how much stuff actually fits inside! When I first showed you my bag, I did not show you what the inside looks like. So, here you go...
This is what the bag looked like this morning with all of my weekly Centers material.
Besides all of that paper, I have my Lesson Plan book, sight words, assessment material, and a binder to file the Centers material into (eventually!!) all in the small hanging file tub.

Here is a shot of the file tub. I also have a 3-hole punch and a copy of Step By Step: A Guide to Microsoft Office Professional 2010. I know...what a geek but we have the new version on our school laptops and I want to know how to use/ utilize every part of it!!
Just look at how packed that file tub its...
So, I took the Centers material and binder out so we can use them this week. This left me with a lot more room in the file tub.
And then wiped out the bag 'cause it was dirty!!
I also cleaned out the pockets. These hold my sticky notes, wipe out tape, scissors, tape, rubber cement and my collection of sharpies. (Can you even be a teacher without Sharpies...Love Them!!)
Here's a look at the back. It has 2 more pockets that I try to keep empty...just in case!
Now, it's all cleaned out and ready for a new week.
Until it's time to go home...I tried!!